
Announcement from professor Iver Langmoen:

" Dear all,

I have decided to give the best student at the Scandinavian course, Beitostølen, 2023 a stay in a department of choice (anywhere in the world, but total costs limited to NOK 40.000).

The evaluation will be based on:

  • General exam· Anatomy exam
  • Participation in the group discussions
  • Any scientific contribution i.e. final project or just project description (abstract max 1 page)

The evaluation and decision will be made by the course committee in a separate meeting before the formal dinner on Thursday and the recipient will be announced during the dinner.

All the best,


Iver A Langmoen, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurosurgery
University of OsloDepartment of Neurosurgery
Oslo University Hospital Ulleval
PO Box 4956 Nydalen
NO-0424 Oslo, Norway"

Criteria for the Iver Langmoen Prize at the Annual Scandinavian Neurosurgery Course in Beitostølen

The initiator and founder of the Annual Scandinavian Course in Neurosurgery, Iver Langmoen, has donated funds for at prize to be awarded to a course participant who has proved academic excellence.

The purpose of the prize is to stimulate continued medical education after residency, specifically to facilitate travel and auscultation/observership at a recognised neurosurgical centre anywhere in the worldwide neurosurgical community. The prize amounts to 40 000 NOK.

The award is instituted to stimulate academic aptitude during residency training over time. The price will be awarded to a course participant who has shown academic excellence over the full four-year course cycle.

The Beitostølen course committee will decide on the prize recipient based on the following criteria:

  • Accumulated result on the general exam over the full four-year course cycle
  • Accumulated result on the anatomy exam over the full four-year course cycle
  • Participation in presentation of research projects during the course cycle is commendable

/Course committee