Registration is closed,
more info to come. 

(Deadline for registration)

Just follow the link below

The course fee is 700 EUR for participants not working in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, or Finnish hospitals. 

Hotel - Full board and room and certain activities

2805 NOK per person in single room/day (2024 years prices).

2455 NOK per person in double room/day (2024 years prices) .

For our Norwegian participants: We ask you to also register on Regional utdanningssenter (RegUt) registration:

Scandinavian Course in Neurosurgery (Beito-kursene) / The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) - kursene (NKI)

For our Swedish participants: We ask you to also register at Socialstyrelsens registration: Nordisk kurs i neurotraumatologi och neurointensivvård (

Efteranmälan öppnar i mitten av november, håll ögonen öppna då om ni inte hunnit anmäla er ännu. 

If you have any questions or  problems with the registration due to firewalls etc please let us know